Entrepreneurial consultancy & code

Hello, I'm Jamie McHale. I offer freelance consultancy and software development, bringing two decades of coding experience to the job.

For both startups and project-based work, I can help you use entrepreneurial thinking and creative coding to grow your business.

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A better way to send money.

Entrepreneurial thinking

Thinking like an entrepreneur is about being creative with the resources you have to hand. Prototype and iterate, build networks, find new customers and markets. I can help you uncover the next steps to grow your business.


Do you need someone to help you think about your business or product? I can help you work through problems, and make recommendations for how to use technology to help you grow.


Once you have a technology strategy figured out, you will need someone to code up and iterate on prototypes. I can produce quick and high quality work, and assemble a team of developers to tackle larger projects.

Frequently asked questions

Can you work with the developers I already have?
Yes! I've done consultancy work to identify gaps in development teams, and to check technical approaches that other freelancers have taken. On longer term projects I've worked to build small temporary teams, and integrated with modules developed by other agencies. I focus on communication, leaving clean and clear deliverables that can be built on.
What experience do you have?
I have worked as both a consultant and contract developer for organisations large and small, mostly in Scotland. I have had longer spells as a developer at a large charity, and working on delivery at a medical software company. I undertook the Saltire Fellowship in Entrepreneurship at Babson College. I have been writing code for over 20 years.
What do you charge?
Prices are negotiable, based on the project scope and length. Typically I work on a day-rate with a project estimate. For shorter projects with clearer deliverables I can work for a fixed fee.
What is your availability?
I have availability for one-off consultancy in 2022, and software development projects from early 2023. I am happy to take on both short and medium-term projects, and can be flexible with timescales.
What technologies do you work with?
For most projects there will be a focus on the web. I typically develop using JavaScript and NodeJs, but can also work with PHP. I have had experience with a variety of frameworks and platforms such as React, Gatsby, NextJs, Contentful, and Netlify.

Testimonials and Endorsements

I have been a freelancer for over a decade, mixed with some startup work and some salaried roles. Here are some testimonials for work that I have done. You can see these recommendations on my LinkedIn profile.


Software development and leadership

I worked with Stewart and the Econform team to improve their product offering, and development practice. I focused on product performance to meet customer expectations alongside code complexity and quality to reduce bug rates and increase rate of feature production.

Technologies used included: JavaScript, React, Node, and Tailwind

During the course of his time at Econform, Jamie proved himself to be highly dependable and capable, with strong leadership qualities and technical skills. Jamie had an extensive and diverse knowledge of software, and other team members would often reach out to him for technical advice. This would never be a problem for Jamie as he would always go out of his way to help out whenever he could.

Jamie was also very articulate in the way he communicated and presented to ensure that non-experts could easily understand. I would have no hesitation in recommending Jamie, and I hope to work with again in the future.

Picture of the Stewart MacDonald

Stewart MacDonald

Founder, Econform / RackWise

Web Prototyping

I worked with Lesley and her team to prototype and build the first version of BoCreate, a data analysis platform providing land use services with a particular focus on housing and community building.

Technologies used included: JavaScript, React, NextJs, and Tailwind

Jamie undertook front end development work for my startup business. He was fast, efficient and very patient as we worked through the product development. His flexibility was much appreciated. Thanks for the help Jamie, and I look forward to working with you again.

Picture of the Lesley Gavin

Lesley Gavin

Managing Director

Development on Website Platform Migration

I worked with Shelter to migrate their website from a legacy platform to a new Content Management and Delivery system. I worked on tooling, technical architecture and component delivery.

Technologies used included: JavaScript, React, NodeJs, Contentful, Gatsby and Netlify.

We handle millions of visitors across thousands of pieces of content, so it was important to get our website migration project right. Jamie recommended technical approaches, built proofs-of-concept, and implemented work from our design and content teams.

The project was a success, and Jamie was a great contributor to the effort. I'd highly recommend him for technical and product development projects.

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Philip Wilson

Lead Digital Product Manager at Shelter

Mosaic Personality Tasks

Web Development

I worked with Johnny and Alan at Mosaic to build out a new online personality assessment tool, coding, managing developers and iterating towards a final product.

Technologies used included: JavaScript, React, NodeJs and WordPress.

Jamie worked with us to prototype, test and build a platform for online personality assessments using web-based tasks. He proposed technical approaches, built the underlying code architecture, managed additional ad-hoc developers, and iterated through features as new needs were uncovered.

We have relied upon Jamie's expertise, knowledge and ideas throughout the project. Jamie works to a very high standard and we have developed a very good long-term relationship with him built on trust and regular communication.

Picture of the Johnny Mitchell

Johnny Mitchell

Occupational Psychologist

Head of Delivery

Brought a healthcare software product to market, on-boarding customers, coordinating IT and Ops. Developed the HIPAA complicance processes with expert consultation.

The workflow that Jamie designed for product delivery required an understanding of each client's current technology and procedures to affect proper change management and acceptance. This allowed a subtle and seamless incorporation of the software service into their current platform.

His legacy and success [...] within the company has provided a structure we are building on as we grow. That makes his brief time with us an accomplishment worth the investment.

Picture of Brian Bellissimo

Brian Bellissimo

COO, Goodmark Medical

Supporting the local community

I am keen to help the local Scottish and Edinburgh technology scene develop. I maintain a list of Awesome Edinburgh Tech in an open repository. Please feel free to add your resources.

I also co-organise and sponsor the EdinburghJS JavaScript meetup. We are building a friendly and supportive environment for JavaScript developers in Edinburgh to share knowledge, network and socialise.

Keen to work with me?Get in touch with me today.

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